Brand Strategy And The Art Of Keeping It Simple

Every company has a vision for itself. And it’s the obligation of that company’s founders, leaders and employees to embrace that vision. Part of that exercise includes accumulating an overabundance of knowledge about the company’s technology, its customers and product-market fit. The conundrum their marketing organizations face: determining which pieces of information to include in […]
Marketing Consumer Technology Brands

For consumer technology brands, marketing is central to success. With numerous brands across a number of categories vying for consumer dollars, your company’s marketing strategy is central to differentiating your products and justifying spend. Technology brands have an especially difficult road beyond that of other luxury items. Because you’re asking consumers to spend their disposable […]
Building A Communications Strategy Around AI Use

In the digital era, a single idea quickly becomes a trend. Such is the case with the use of artificial intelligence. While development of these tools and associated coverage is generally centered around ongoing initiatives at mega cap tech companies and cash-flush startups — or more specifically, the potential of these concepts — AI projects […]
Keys To Drafting An RFP

Frequently prospective Branded clients will draft a “request for proposal” or “RFP,” the industry acronym for the document. A company typically identifies multiple agencies, sends them these RFPs and evaluates them based on their responses. The idea behind the RFP is to give an agency, like Branded, an idea as to what the drafting company […]
The Power Of Earned Media

Regarding the growth of a company, there’s a saying in business familiar to many: “If you can’t build it, buy it.” Though advisory in nature, the saying comes with a nuanced implication: buying a business is a lot easier than building one. The same can be said for marketing tactics. When a business’ needs for awareness […]
Working The News Cycle To Your Advantage

A company cannot always be at the forefront of the news cycle. Even the biggest companies in the world don’t earn daily headlines, though some are closely followed. The goal of every company should be to remain at the forefront of the news cycle. Any successful communications strategy not only takes that into account but […]