Marketing Consumer Technology Brands

For consumer technology brands, marketing is central to success. With numerous brands across a number of categories vying for consumer dollars, your company’s marketing strategy is central to differentiating your products and justifying spend. 

Technology brands have an especially difficult road beyond that of other luxury items. 

Because you’re asking consumers to spend their disposable income, it’s important to cultivate trust amongst your target demographic. 

In the luxury goods space — think: goods that aren’t critical to sustenance — demand increases directly with income. So the demographics best positioned to purchase your product are also highly educated and savvy. 

And being thoughtful about your marketing and communications strategy will help your company meaningfully reach this audience. 

Develop A Media & Messaging Strategy

Indiscriminately sharing press releases, promoting social posts and engaging in targeted ad campaigns misses dollars precious to any tech upstart. 

Spend some time considering where best to spend your money. Consider: where does your target audience live? What social channels? What do they read? Who do they trust?

Answers to these questions will help shape how you target this audience and where you spend your money.

What you say in that messaging, though, remains paramount. 

It’s important to identify a value prop but convincing consumers to buy your product more so centers around the pain points your company solves. The most successful communications strategies convince consumers that they should care about those problems. 

Do that and you’ve got a customer. 

Create Viral Campaigns 

Building credibility in front of a small audience does little good. The idea is to sell products. So spending money and time growing your audience is worthwhile. 

Developing ideas — even those that are product adjacent — with the potential for viral pickup reduces your acquisition costs, particularly if your PR agency is adept at distributing and marketing the story. 

Think: celebrity collaborations, social media trends and pop-up events. 

Build Out A CES Team

The annual Consumer Electronics Show (colloquially known as CES) in Vegas is the industry’s Super Bowl. And in case you think that’s an over-used cliche, it’s entirely apropos here. 

Every January, buyers from the largest retailers on the planet, the most influential tech journalists and brand-name venture capitalists attend the show alongside some tech behemoths like Google, Amazon and Microsoft.

Standing out amongst these global brands is difficult. But those brands generate the opportunity for other upstart consumer tech companies. Taking advantage of that opportunity could spur growth over the ensuing year. 

So it’s important to partner with an agency that knows the show well and dually has experience generating buzz for brands in the lead-up to, during and after CES. 

Media coverage is the most effective way to get in front of buyers and investors. Both groups look to understand which brands are earning fanfare. That is a precursor for sales. 

Earning coverage, though, isn’t solely the product of pitching. It’s important for your agency to understand the logistics of CES and be able to determine a setup most appropriate for your brand. Should you set up a booth? Or is your product best suited to be demonstrated in a hotel suite? How many people should be dedicated to pulling media vs. managing the demo experience?

All these questions are answered in strategic plans we put together for our clients in advance of CES. 

Have any other questions about your CES strategy? Email us at